

Friday, March 20, 2020

Corona Virus in the DR

We are currently riding out the storm of the Corona Virus. As of Tuesday, the DR has joined the world in shutting down businesses, schools and quarantining as much as possible. It is hard here in the face of the culture, they have stopped greeting people with their normal kisses and hand shakes. They have swamped the supermarkets, but many continue to need to buy groceries day by day. Many people are unable to buy in bulk due to lack of finances.

Currently Josh is still working but most of his employees have been asked to stay at home during this time. All visitors to CMA campus have been asked to suspend visits. CMA still considers us staff and I am appreciative of all the support and openness the community shows us. We have been doing some home schooling at home with Oliver and trying to make the most of the current time.

There are hard decisions to be made. At this point, most people/missionaries are staying here on the Island. A few students have headed back to the states. We have decided to stay in country. We believe our time and resources are best utilized here in the DR at this point but are praying God gives us wisdom to go where He sends.

At this point the Dominican is fairly calm over all. People are concerned. No clear numbers of how many confirmed cases are in the country. Currently no one is allowed to fly into the DR but we do believe we could leave if we choose since we would be returning to our home country; but time may change that.

We continue to ask for support financially, but I understand this is a hard time for everyone and trust that God is in control in this time.

We also are asking for prayers for our friends, Todd & Lizzie. This is where our hearts have been lately in light of the Corona virus. Lizzie had a baby via c-section on Sunday. She has had major complications and is currently on life-support. She is currently being considered as a candidate for a heart transfer. Even at that, it seems as though there would still be many unknowns.

If you would like more information feel free to visit this site:

Please Pray for them.

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