

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Oliver Isaia Ramsier

He is here!!! 9 months plus and he is finally here. I would say at least once a day I look at him and still am in awe of how God creates us. How he fit inside of my body. How God chose to use us to be part of the miracle of new life! you know... all the things a new mother goes through.

- A little bit about Oliver's birthday! He was born on April 27th around 8:30 pm. The doctor predicted a due date of April 25th according to the sonogram. My due date was April 29th according to my calculations so Oliver was right on time. That morning I started having pretty bad cramps that wouldn't let me sleep much past 7am. I thought it might be labor pains but I didn't want to get too excited. I tried to take it easy, eat a little and rest. Josh was working and had meetings so he was gone. As God can make good out of anything and has a way of knowing better than us- Josh had a bad stomach ache and was able to have the afternoon off. This was a huge blessing as the back pain/labor got progressively worse through the day. I did not feel any stomach cramps; all my pain was in my back - and boy was there a lot of pain.

We had a lot of support from other couples and friends on campus. I appreciated people dropping in until the end then I was a little out-of-it to say the least. We called our Doula around 4:30 pm and she came and helped labor at home for a while. Contractions were progressively getting closer and we called the doctor about 7:30 pm. He recommended we come into the hospital. We arrived around 7:45/8pm. As we were walking into the hospital I had to stop and I felt the need to push- Katie, the doula, highly encouraged me to take short breaths at that time so we could at least wait for the hospital to have baby Oliver. We checked into the ER where our Doctor Fernando checked me and I was 10 centimeters dilated and ready to push. We headed to the OR and pushed for about 10-15 minutes and out came a 7 pound 4 ounces miracle (full of jet black hair) that will forever change our lives! Josh was such a huge support and I am so thankful for his calm presence. He was able to get a week off of work and that was a really special time for us as we enjoyed being a family of 3.

We were back home by 11:30 am the next day. Individuals here on campus were so generous in providing meals, a hand for holding the little one, and prayers for his future.