

Thursday, September 3, 2015

And it is now September

I missed the whole month of August. Milestones you ask:
-brother came and visited with his wife Katie. They did some maintenance on the house. Built us a cement counter top now my mom needs to come help decorate. We also enjoyed some time away at the beach and a pool with them.
-started using cloth diapers a little bit to save on money. This decision is a lot easier since we can easily air dry them and use community washers and...
-I have help around the house 3 days a week. God laid a woman on my heart that worked at CMA for the summer. She is from La Vega (about 30 minutes away) but has a friend she stays with a few nights while she helps me. Her name is Noemy and Oliver loves her. She also has 6 children of her own and I believe her husband passed away. She is so helpful and we are glad to be able to give back to the community. It is also helpful in my endeavor to learn more Spanish.
-Oliver is doing good. He has a 3 hour routine but no idea when it starts and ends; at this point we are just going for a bedtime of around 8-9...
-Josh has started a more regular schedule working with the boys Wednesdays, Friday evenings, Saturday evenings, and Sundays. He also has meetings Monday and Tuesdays. We will see how the new schedule goes. It started on the 1st.
-The campus has also had a lot of changes this week. New students, supper time changed, and the girls are moving into a larger house to accommodate the numbers. We are excited that there are students that can benefit from this program but please be prayerful for NEW STAFF:
- new staff for a teaching position, on campus spiritual life/pastor, and people willing to work directly with the students.

Parenthood is treating us well for the most part. I have been enjoying reading some blog of other moms and relating. I don't feel any different. Some days I still even feel like a teenager... I enjoy taking care of Oliver and love sharing his giggles and smiles with other people. He is pretty challenging to get to sleep sometimes but I have learned little tricks. Last night Josh helped him go back to sleep after he woke up. I am so thankful for Josh's helpfulness. Oliver can roll from his tummy to his back but is having much more difficulty rolling from his back to his stomach but is trying. He isn't sleeping too bad. Last night from 8:15-4:30 and then woke up ate and went back to sleep till 8:45.

We are looking forward to my mom coming down in less than a week and then visiting Sardis, Fort Wayne, and a few possible other stops between Sept 22-Oct 6!!

Here are some gem pictures from the past month, Enjoy:

this is our spunky neighbor, Jojo- she loves to share her love with little Oliver!

yep, Duke is growing

Oliver- "Oh Yeah, that is how you catch the dear"
Landon- "yes, but make sure to use the blah blah blah"

How many Hauser kids can you fit on a Dominican Motorcycle you may ask- All 6!!

yes, they are good friends!

This is Oliver and Oliver. His family just moved down here about a month ago!

My beach bum baby - loves the water

One of our favorite waterfalls.

yes, Oliver gets to come!

Loving some Auntie Katie time
Happy 4 month birthday - Baby boy.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Ordinary

Well. Oliver is growing (almost 3 months!!). the other day (they all run together sometimes so who knows how long REALLY ago but it doesn't really matter to the story so I will quit babbling) I was re-listening to our wedding ceremony. Jeff talked about the process of relationships storming, norming, preforming (I think I missed one). I feel like Josh and I were really starting to preform in our marriage, thanks to the Lord's help and Josh's patience. BUT then comes Olie- he has challenged us to re storm.

The last few month have been a journey. Olie is not what they call an easy baby I'm told but he is sweet and cute and loves to babble and giggle! He loves his daddy- and Josh is so good about taking him when he can. BUT he hates to fall asleep- he fights it- doesn't like to take naps in bed (but in arms is good). I am learning slowly to pray for grace (not patience because then the Lord will give me opportunities to practice it, just kidding). Everyday is hard. It is hard to be responsible for another human being. It is hard to do life here on campus and adjust to nap times, diaper changes, and feedings. I want desperately to be a super-mom and super-wife and super-christian! but God doesn't call me to be super (PRAISE THE LORD). He just asks me to be a sheep. Follow the shepherd. Stay close to the shepherd. Listen for the shepherd's voice. Find safety with the shepherd. Live peacefully with the other sheep. I love the idea of a shepherd/sheep. They aren't the brightest and don't always learn quickly (this sounds familiar)

So as I said lately we haven't been terribly busy doing things that are "blog worthy" just adjusting to baby life. I am still active as a house manager for the girl's house, which just consists of helping with paperwork and accountability stuff. I also help a little in the houses when I am needed. I continue to keep my eyes and prayers open to other opportunities that may approach. Josh is helpful in lots of areas. He is helping with a boy's summer program and in the boy's house. He is also able to drive the vehicles so sometimes he steps in as a driver for the students. I am getting much more comfortable driving into town and have taken quite a few trips lately. Olie really enjoys motion so car rides are one of his favorite ways to go to sleep.

The campus is doing well. We have transitioned to a new director, he is doing great. Jeff and Tina have left campus. There is a new family on campus, came in Friday! They are going to be working together in the boys house. They have a 6 year old son, Oliver along with 2 other children. I think that is about all the updates for now- next beach trip we will see if Oliver wants to go in the water and take some pictures. I will put a few of my favorites up here soon!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Oliver Isaia Ramsier

He is here!!! 9 months plus and he is finally here. I would say at least once a day I look at him and still am in awe of how God creates us. How he fit inside of my body. How God chose to use us to be part of the miracle of new life! you know... all the things a new mother goes through.

- A little bit about Oliver's birthday! He was born on April 27th around 8:30 pm. The doctor predicted a due date of April 25th according to the sonogram. My due date was April 29th according to my calculations so Oliver was right on time. That morning I started having pretty bad cramps that wouldn't let me sleep much past 7am. I thought it might be labor pains but I didn't want to get too excited. I tried to take it easy, eat a little and rest. Josh was working and had meetings so he was gone. As God can make good out of anything and has a way of knowing better than us- Josh had a bad stomach ache and was able to have the afternoon off. This was a huge blessing as the back pain/labor got progressively worse through the day. I did not feel any stomach cramps; all my pain was in my back - and boy was there a lot of pain.

We had a lot of support from other couples and friends on campus. I appreciated people dropping in until the end then I was a little out-of-it to say the least. We called our Doula around 4:30 pm and she came and helped labor at home for a while. Contractions were progressively getting closer and we called the doctor about 7:30 pm. He recommended we come into the hospital. We arrived around 7:45/8pm. As we were walking into the hospital I had to stop and I felt the need to push- Katie, the doula, highly encouraged me to take short breaths at that time so we could at least wait for the hospital to have baby Oliver. We checked into the ER where our Doctor Fernando checked me and I was 10 centimeters dilated and ready to push. We headed to the OR and pushed for about 10-15 minutes and out came a 7 pound 4 ounces miracle (full of jet black hair) that will forever change our lives! Josh was such a huge support and I am so thankful for his calm presence. He was able to get a week off of work and that was a really special time for us as we enjoyed being a family of 3.

We were back home by 11:30 am the next day. Individuals here on campus were so generous in providing meals, a hand for holding the little one, and prayers for his future.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The wedding in the Sky (Fly Delta)

Josh and I were able to celebrate the marriage of one of our dear friends Sheila Sabo to Doug Wilson on March 21, 2015. They met on a plan a little over 2 years ago and decided it would only make sense to get married on a plane!  About half of the passengers were not expecting to witness a wedding on this flight. It was neat to see how they responded. They were very excited to be a part of the ceremony and partake in little guest embroidered pillow cases and mini cakes! Also the wedding was preformed in the front of the plane on the intercome. We enjoyed this experience - The plane's destination was Montrose, Colorado and then we spent a few days with their family and a few other guests in Telluride, Colorado. It was so beautiful and such a wonderful last adventure for Josh and I before baby. I enjoyed days of sitting in the cabin or enjoying the outdoor warmed pool (well at least 2 days). There were also Gondolas I could ride so I was able to enjoy the mountains and the views without getting cold. Josh enjoyed the mountains on his snowboard! Got to show off these pictures!

enjoying a selfie with the bride and groom!
taking their vows

with Doug and Heidi, 2 of Sheila's precious children

with Heidi and Clara - (Sheila has 4 children)

our good friend Jason (Sheila's brother)!

Mason after we landed in Colorado!

in the airport

Gondola, Pool, Spectacular view... What more could you ask for!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


How am I organizing this blog you may ask. yes I am playing catch-up of 2 months; so I figured follow the pictures. I will be blogging about the events that were picture worthy to us throughout the past 2 months.

Going to Illinois: included lots of Isaia family time, local shower with my cousin Traci (expecting a little girl just a few months after us), quality time with friends and family. Good food, including going out to eat and lots of home made food (and lots of sugar). We got our fix of snow and were ready for warmer weather after the 2 weeks.

Grandma with her "talking stick" so she is able to hold her own with 5 Italian boys plus the rest of the crew.

Dad's house warming gift!

The 5 boys!

The cousins - although we are missing a few.

such a great gift idea from my cousin Amy.

miss this family A LOT!

oh the things this amazing man puts up with and I'm sure it is only the beginning! We hit 2 years March 3-

Me (and baby boy), Grandma, & Traci (and baby girl)
mom Ramsier made her first solo flight to see us!! So appreciated. We are very blessed by all the efforts of family and friends
working on cloth diapers or I guess they can be used as hats.
lots of enjoyable dinners with this guy.

Also Traci spent a few days here in the Dominican Republic and helped Josh and I celebrate our 2nd  year anniversary. It was wonderful to share this time with her and share the campus and our work here with her.

Activities with the students: We have been enjoying our time here on campus. Josh has enjoyed taking the boys to Puerta Plata go-karting and to the beach. The boys also went on an over night trip to a beautiful beach Monti Cristi. The campus is continuing to grow as we look forward to welcoming a new counselor this week. He is coming with his wife and 4 kids (twins which are about 2 months old). Also towards the end of April we will be excited to welcome another family with 6 children, the father will be helping Jeff with more administration roles. The girls have enjoyed a shopping trip to Santiago, including self-serve frozen yogurt. The girls also helped host a baby shower for me here in campus which was a lot of fun, and helped up get excited for new baby coming SOON.

the boys at the beach

mmmm, the best present for the pregnant lady!!

baby shower games

Ramsier updates: I am getting bigger, one month left - baby very healthy. We have enjoyed taking time to go through a few birthing classes with our local Doula, who does speak English. Looking forward to a Skype baby shower with family and friends from Sardis area (also a joint shower with a good friend, Charla - who is due just a month or so after us). We are looking at buying a car this week, which is a pretty big investment and has been a long road as cars in the DR are a lot different than the US. Also buying a car, as an American, is just asking to get a poor deal; we have found a man on the island that has assisted in our search. 

34 weeks. Due April 29th!!
Preparing for baby: How in the world does a couple prepare for a new born to total transform their lives, so I here. The answer I think we are coming to is just, relax and enjoy as much of the preparing process. God has designed the body to take 9 months and for this we are thankful. It has been a growing anticipation for me at least. At the beginning, it was so hard to believe and realize what a child would bring. At this point we are still completely unsure of what having a baby will require and how to prepare BUT we are more excited. We are enjoying the time we have together and also enjoying lots of nap times when we can; also enjoyed a "baby-moon" to a friend's wedding in the sky, which I will touch on in another blog. As I think about labor and child birth I am excited and extremely nervous. It reminds me of the mentality of preparing for the Chicago Marathon I participated in a few years ago, except there is no way to plan for the date and I will be the only one “participating” in the race. I have prepared what I can and believe God will give my body the ability to birth the child. If not, it will still all be over one day… :)  

We have been blessed with lots of baby items and am so grateful to feel pretty settled and ready for new baby boy due April 29th- oh except for still no name for sure!!