

Thursday, September 3, 2015

And it is now September

I missed the whole month of August. Milestones you ask:
-brother came and visited with his wife Katie. They did some maintenance on the house. Built us a cement counter top now my mom needs to come help decorate. We also enjoyed some time away at the beach and a pool with them.
-started using cloth diapers a little bit to save on money. This decision is a lot easier since we can easily air dry them and use community washers and...
-I have help around the house 3 days a week. God laid a woman on my heart that worked at CMA for the summer. She is from La Vega (about 30 minutes away) but has a friend she stays with a few nights while she helps me. Her name is Noemy and Oliver loves her. She also has 6 children of her own and I believe her husband passed away. She is so helpful and we are glad to be able to give back to the community. It is also helpful in my endeavor to learn more Spanish.
-Oliver is doing good. He has a 3 hour routine but no idea when it starts and ends; at this point we are just going for a bedtime of around 8-9...
-Josh has started a more regular schedule working with the boys Wednesdays, Friday evenings, Saturday evenings, and Sundays. He also has meetings Monday and Tuesdays. We will see how the new schedule goes. It started on the 1st.
-The campus has also had a lot of changes this week. New students, supper time changed, and the girls are moving into a larger house to accommodate the numbers. We are excited that there are students that can benefit from this program but please be prayerful for NEW STAFF:
- new staff for a teaching position, on campus spiritual life/pastor, and people willing to work directly with the students.

Parenthood is treating us well for the most part. I have been enjoying reading some blog of other moms and relating. I don't feel any different. Some days I still even feel like a teenager... I enjoy taking care of Oliver and love sharing his giggles and smiles with other people. He is pretty challenging to get to sleep sometimes but I have learned little tricks. Last night Josh helped him go back to sleep after he woke up. I am so thankful for Josh's helpfulness. Oliver can roll from his tummy to his back but is having much more difficulty rolling from his back to his stomach but is trying. He isn't sleeping too bad. Last night from 8:15-4:30 and then woke up ate and went back to sleep till 8:45.

We are looking forward to my mom coming down in less than a week and then visiting Sardis, Fort Wayne, and a few possible other stops between Sept 22-Oct 6!!

Here are some gem pictures from the past month, Enjoy:

this is our spunky neighbor, Jojo- she loves to share her love with little Oliver!

yep, Duke is growing

Oliver- "Oh Yeah, that is how you catch the dear"
Landon- "yes, but make sure to use the blah blah blah"

How many Hauser kids can you fit on a Dominican Motorcycle you may ask- All 6!!

yes, they are good friends!

This is Oliver and Oliver. His family just moved down here about a month ago!

My beach bum baby - loves the water

One of our favorite waterfalls.

yes, Oliver gets to come!

Loving some Auntie Katie time
Happy 4 month birthday - Baby boy.