

Monday, April 6, 2015

The wedding in the Sky (Fly Delta)

Josh and I were able to celebrate the marriage of one of our dear friends Sheila Sabo to Doug Wilson on March 21, 2015. They met on a plan a little over 2 years ago and decided it would only make sense to get married on a plane!  About half of the passengers were not expecting to witness a wedding on this flight. It was neat to see how they responded. They were very excited to be a part of the ceremony and partake in little guest embroidered pillow cases and mini cakes! Also the wedding was preformed in the front of the plane on the intercome. We enjoyed this experience - The plane's destination was Montrose, Colorado and then we spent a few days with their family and a few other guests in Telluride, Colorado. It was so beautiful and such a wonderful last adventure for Josh and I before baby. I enjoyed days of sitting in the cabin or enjoying the outdoor warmed pool (well at least 2 days). There were also Gondolas I could ride so I was able to enjoy the mountains and the views without getting cold. Josh enjoyed the mountains on his snowboard! Got to show off these pictures!

enjoying a selfie with the bride and groom!
taking their vows

with Doug and Heidi, 2 of Sheila's precious children

with Heidi and Clara - (Sheila has 4 children)

our good friend Jason (Sheila's brother)!

Mason after we landed in Colorado!

in the airport

Gondola, Pool, Spectacular view... What more could you ask for!


  1. That sounds so fun and creative!!! Definitely a wedding to remember.

  2. Fun seeing wedding pics. Lots of happy faces😀
